I am often asked where is the value in our service, against those that re-format a CV into a flashy layout, or use a questionnaire process to write a CV, essentially ‘Why do we insist on consulting with our clients’?
So, I brought this up during one of our team chats the other day and both Louise and I said that we need to share this, as it is probably one aspect of a professional CV service that most people don’t think about, but it is one that adds so much more value to the outcome.
We work with clients from all career sectors and levels, and one of the best feedbacks we receive from our clients is actually how much more they have received out of the process. When we work with our client’s we hold an in-depth, and quite rigorous initial consultation which delves into target direction, career objectives, experience, skills and those most coveted elements, career accomplishments – through this process our clients go on a journey, and we have been told that it is more of a ‘self-exploration’ as it can bring clarity to career choices, memory triggers of past roles and successes, realign perceptions on how accomplished they have been and a reminder of their ‘why’.
The value is not always seen straight away either, as with most journeys there is a start, middle and end – the ‘CV writing’ process is simply the start, you then have ‘job search’ and ‘interviews’ being the middle, finally culminating with accepting the ‘job offer’ as the end.
Having gone through a consultative approach, this then assists with targeting a strategic and aligned job search, leading to supporting success with interviews by having already identified key areas for discussion – as experienced Consultants and Writers, we communicate with our clients at every stage throughout the process, providing information on the market and the expectation of recruiters. We share how to channel their experience in relation to ATS (applicant tracking software), and what the expectations are from recruiters and how to manage each stage of the recruitment process.
So, it really is more than just CV writing, it is a whole journey, supported at every stage along the way to make sure you operate a successful job search, beginning to end.
Keep safe and well, keep positive and remain ever hopeful