I am not a fortune teller, but I think it is safe to say that 2020 will go down in history and we are not even done with it yet! How will 2021 look? What can we expect? Will the recruitment market improve? What might the recruitment processes look like?

So many questions, but with no crystal ball we are left with no definitive answers. Here at PCVW, we have continued to work with a real mix of client circumstances including furlough, redundancy, and just plain uncertainty of what the future will bring. However, despite businesses closing or downsizing, we have seen some really positive outcomes for our clients. People have been interviewed and hired via Zoom/Skype and others have realised their goals of promotion.


But how did they achieve this is such tumultuous times? Because they went in fully prepared and armed with value-added documentation. It has to be said that back in March our advice would have been along the lines of ‘you need to stand out from the crowd on paper and so it is imperative to match your skills to the vacancy to ensure ATS compliance’. Today, our advice is the same, despite the severe impact that COVID-19 has had on the recruitment world. The only major differences are that your competition levels are now higher and recruitment levels are still lower than normal, so this advice is definitely underlined!! Of course, it is important to consider your industry too. We have worked with many clients wanting to change sector because of the Coronavirus impact; it is possible because everyone is transferable, in terms of skills.

So, it is clear to say we do not have the answers yet and we simply do not know what is ahead. Our methodology has proved to work during this crisis for many and we actively keep an eye on the news and other internet sources daily to ensure we adapt to potential new changes as and when they arise to keep our advice on par and relevant!

All is not lost! Stay proactive!

Louise x